A2 Retro Tech

Next Meetup: Wednesday, January 15, from 8 - 10pm, EST

What's your New Year's RESOLUTION?

40 column, 80 column, 160 x 160, 240 x 240, 320 x 200, 512 x 342, 640 x 480...?

This month, our theme will be retro graphics: everything from displays, graphics cards, monochrome vs. color, image formats, pixel art, and more!

If you're interested in presenting during the second hour of this meetup please contact James.

Stay in Touch!

RSVP for the Zoom Link:

Join the Matrix Server (a bit like Slack) :

  1. Sign up at All Hands Active Matrix Server
  2. Join #RetroTech:allhandsactive.org
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